Traditional Marketing

The Evergreen type of Marketing
which most people think is DEAD, stills rule the market

Traditional marketing hoarding

What is Traditional Marketing?

When it comes to marketing for businesses, there are two different types of marketing strategies. They are Traditional marketing and Digital marketing. Traditional marketing typically includes things like TV commercials, print media ads, door-to-door canvassing with flyers or magazines to potential customers. 

Online digital advertising also counts as Traditional marketing because it is still broadcasted through a large network of computers placed all around the world on the internet. It can be done through paid search engine ads that are found on Google or Bing for example. Traditional marketing is an important aspect of any business. It is the process of getting one’s products or services in front of potential customers.

Traditional marketing can be done using a variety of outlets, such as television, radio, newspapers, magazines, social media posts, events and more.

what is Traditional marketing

Before Diving into Traditional Marketing Let’s See Some Statistics. These statics will blow your mind 



About more than 50-60% marketing budget of Big Companies is spend through Traditional Marketing


In India on an average over $5.6 Billion is spend per year by Big Brands through T.V, Newspaper & Radio


56% of customers find print marketing to be the most trustworthy type of marketing

More Leads

You can expect about 67% more leads every month if your brand markets through Traditional Marketing

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Traditional Marketing Service Include:-

Number 1

Outdoor Billboards

Billboard marketing

A photo is worth a thousand words, and attractive images are great for creating brand awareness. Billboards with printed pictures or by hand on canvas are still popular. From roads to highways, billboards have come a long way. This traditional mode of marketing uses less text and more images. This is a marketing method that most people are familiar with. Larger banners are not ignored and billboards cannot be out of date due to their stretching across social classes and geographic boundaries.

Billboard marketing
Number 2

Posters/Print Media

poster marketing

Posters are the printed papers that are used to advertise your event or service or brand, and were  glued to walls around cities in the old days. A poster includes a visual design, images, colors and copy. A poster must attract a passerby so it uses varied colors and sketches. The posters were widely used to promote films, events and small business services. And are also used nowadays. The success of your poster campaign depends majorly on the graphic and copy. And there’s also an online version of it : Digital banners/posters.

poster marketing
Number 3


Banner marketing

Banner ads are image-based rather than text-based and are a popular form of traditional advertising. Banners are made of vinyl and are designed to be hung from a high place or held by people. The purpose of banner advertising is to promote a brand and generate curiosity or just promote your product/service.

Banner marketing
Number 4

T.V. Video Advertisement

TV Ads

Several broadcast marketing mediums such as radio and television are still in high demand in traditional marketing. By using these broadcast marketing mediums, companies can reach large numbers of viewers in a short period of time and also improve brand awareness. Through television, different marketers or advertisers can make much better and impactful advertisements, as televisions make it easier to view products and demonstrate how products work. Television is therefore the right tool for the authenticity of a product, as the public can see the real characteristics of the products. Similarly, radio marketing is related to advertising of products or services through different radio channels.

TV Ads
Number 5

Newspaper Advertisement

Newspaper Ads

People love to read newspapers because it is the major source of knowledge of daily happenings. So advertisers use this medium also. It’s considered a mass-marketing strategy; because through printed advertisements, businesses can reach lots of different people irrespective of their interest in the product or service. So advertisers were quite using this medium to reach an audience. But there is a catch, everyone from young people to older people read it. So it gives demographic limitations to advertisers. But still, nowadays it’s quite used and marketers use newspaper advertising to create awareness about events,

Newspaper Ads

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Why You Should Choose Digital Strot?

Profesional Expert

At Digital Strot, we have a fantastic creative team whose main goal is to design and execute campaigns that encourage a target audience to buy a company’s products or services. In addition, our Traditional Marketing team is working to create a consistent brand image for the company through its look, voice, and messaging.

what is Traditional marketing
Termly updates

Termly Updates

Monthly/weekly reporting is an essential component of our traditional marketing services. This is done in order to provide detailed information about the Traditional marketing spent, conversion, and execution report.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Digital Strot assures that every client who joins us will be completely gratified, and this has been the case for the past four years. We are excited to share our knowledge and experience with you in order to assist you in your growth. We are confident that you will not be let down in the same way that our previous customers have been.

Satisfaction guarantee

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ's)

Traditional marketing is the important aspect of any business as many big companies as today spend about their 50-60% of their marketing budget on Traditional marketing. Many multi-national companies still relay on Traditional marketing as their marketing source, as this brings fixed & certain amount of sales & conversion for your company

Traditional marketing is an important aspect of any business. It is the process of getting one’s products or services in front of potential customers. It can be done using a variety of outlets, such as television, radio, newspapers, magazines, social media posts, events and more.

The beauty of Traditional  marketing is that it can be used for a variety of reasons. It could help your brand in a variety of ways, depending on your goals and the type of content you publish.

For starters, Traditional marketing can help you raise brand awareness, especially if the information you provide is informative. Customer loyalty can be increased as people learn about your business and the value it provides through high-quality content. You may boost website traffic and increase sales as your brand’s base grows.

There will be an Marketing Executive will be allotted for your project. He will handle all the campaigns and projects under your project. 

FAQ blue


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