Mobile App Development

Turn your idea into an app, faster than you think.& Build your app with the best team. Before your deadline.

mobile app development
mobile app development

why app development

why app development

We at Digistrot follow agile development methods and innovative design approaches for app development. We have been developing web apps, websites, native mobile apps, cross-platform apps, and a lot more. We develop both IOS and Android apps. Let’s implement your idea and build a best in class app for you.

why app development

Our App Development Process


Conceptualization : In detailed and effective conceptualisation is the base for a successful app. We give full attention to the client's needs and build a concept accordingly.


Drawing up wireframes & designing the UI : Wireframes are a design of the skeletal structure of an app. These take the concept a step further providing a design on paper that's easier to visualize.

Development : We apply our coding minds here, since this is the actual coding step. Accessing backend data, configuring with servers, creating for the different sections of the app, all this is done in this step.


Testing : When a complete coded version of the app is ready it's time to test and find bugs and what's not working.


Launch : That’s it. Once the app gets ready after testing, it is then launched in the respective app stores and ready for end users.

Make your Own Personalized App With Us

we develop apps for android

1. android operating system

we develop apps for android

Developing an Android app entails more than just writing code and uploading it to the Google Play Store. The procedure needs meticulous preparation, study, and a laser-like focus. You must correctly complete a number of phases during the creation of your application in order for it to be successful. The complete cycle is usually divided into five stages

we develop apps for android

2. IOS operating system

IOS operating system

Developing an iOS app entails more than just writing code and uploading it to the App Store. The procedure needs meticulous preparation, study, and a laser-like focus. You must correctly complete a number of phases during the creation of your application in order for it to be successful.

IOS operating system

Our Process Includes

Stage I - Planning

It's critical to identify your Android app's target audience, aims, and essential functions before you begin development. To ensure that your application is competitive, you must also undertake extensive market research.

Stage 2 - Design

The look (a mockup and user interface) is generated at this stage. Following approval, a designer begins work on the mockup. The final look that users will see on their Android smartphones is created by the designer.

Stage 3 - Development

Programmers build an Android app based on the design that was accepted during the design stage.

Stage 4 - Testing

After the application has been developed, it must be tested. QA engineers must extensively inspect it to ensure that it functions correctly and without mistakes.

Stage 5 - Launch

After the app has been thoroughly tested, you can securely release it to the market, i.e., submit it to Google Play. However, your effort isn't done once you've successfully added something to the store. The application, like any other piece of software, requires regular maintenance. You must provide technical support for it, as well as enhance its functionality and add new features.

Make your Own Personalized App With Us

what is included in android app development
backend development

Back-end development

When it comes to the functioning of an Android app, back-end development is critical. It comprises all server-side development, such as functionality, user account authentication, setting up interaction with them, social network integration, push alerts, and so on.

ap creation

API creation

An application programming interface (API) connects a mobile application's external and internal interfaces. The API is one of the most important parts of the Android development process.

frontend development

Front-end development

The front end of an app is the part that interacts with the user directly. It entails collaborating with a variety of design aspects. The programme displays appropriately on both the Samsung Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S20 thanks to a well-designed front end that makes it easy to work with multiple screen sizes and orientations.

Languages We Use









Wish To launch your brand 


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 You have the product and we know the process. Together we will unleash its potential to the world through unique brand strategy and design. Let us build a brand that creates meaningful impact. Let us reveal your product to the world with a perfect brand strategy and beautiful design. What are you waiting for? The world needs to see the potential you have.

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