Website Development Service

We take your business potential to the height of your dreams. At Digistrot, Driving immense business growth for our clients is our topmost priority.

What is Web Development

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The entire process of creating a website is referred to as web development. It is the procedure for creating and managing a website. The fundamental distinction between web development and website design is that with web design, the user interface of the website is created by the designer. The web developer, on the other hand, incorporates web design into the web development process. The website development process determines the functionality, application, and overall operation of the website.

Website Development image

We build Website's That is Compatibile with:




Types of Website we Build

PHP Coded Website

PHP Coded website

Digistrot has an experienced and well versed team of PHP developers that works purely on the client’s aspects. We deliver highly responsive, secure and interactive websites. As our team is well versed with the latest PHP frameworks  to develop  user friendly and quality responsive websites. We cater to industries like healthcare, adtech, eLearning, data analysis, Fintech, eCommerce, etc.

Are you looking to outsource PHP development services? Do you want to hire PHP developers for your project? 

Then you are at the right place. Contact us now to discuss your project

PHP Coded website

PHP Development Services we Provide in

Custom Application Development

Enterprise Software Development

Custom Ecommerce Development

Web API Integrations

PHP Migration & Modernization

Website UI/UX Development

UI/UX Design

At Digistrot, we understand that user experience is very crucial for customers to engage with a business’s assets such as websites and apps. A great user experience makes people stick to your product and then it leads to the growth of your business. Every aspect is why it’s so important. We put users/customers in the forefront and design UX. We keep them in mind and go ahead accordingly to design impeccable UX.

UI/UX Design

Our Development Method

Understand the problem

Understand the problem

To solve a problem we need to understand it first.



To solve a problem we need to understand it first.



Our specialized minds then designs a concept with all the inputs from you and the research done.



Then we move ahead to design the actual UI/UX.


Validation is an essential step in the design process because it helps teams understand whether their design works for their users.

Website Performance Management

Website Performance Management

 Website performance monitoring is a measure of the ability of a website or web service to respond effectively to user interactions. Storing data through monitoring helps improve service speed and ultimately make users more satisfied, thus ensuring user safety, while reducing bounce rate and downtime for users and shopping cart  abandonment.

Website Performance Management

Some facts and stats

slow website

73% of mobile internet users say that they’ve encountered a website that was too slow to load.

51% of mobile internet users say that they’ve encountered a website that crashed, froze, or received an error.

40% of people abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load.


A 1 second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions.

ecommerce site

If an e-commerce site is making $100,000 per day, a 1 second page delay could potentially cost you $2.5 million in lost sales every year.

Dynamic Web Design

Dynamic web design

Digistrot is a leading dynamic web design agency. We provide a dynamic web design service that allows you to update content and add new content to your website. A nice browser interface allows you to add events and messages. Some of the functions of a dynamic website are intranet and extranet functions, e-commerce system, content management system and dynamic publishing. Having an interactive website is very important. Also, all the experts advise you to go to professional websites in order to make your website more attractive to the user. There is so much competition in the world today and it may not be easy for a new website. A very important idea that we will always try is your brand reputation which is very important today. This is why you want your website to be interactive and attractive. This is where Digistrot comes in, we can help you with solutions that make your website more interactive, more performant and more business-like. Composed of a highly talented team of dynamic web design experts, we provide you with all the tools and methods you need to improve your business prospects and thus attract more potential customers for your company.

Dynamic web design

WordPress Website Development

Wordpress website design

WordPress sites make up more than 30% of the total number of websites on the internet and 76% of the CMS market worldwide. WordPress is a maintainable, scalable, and versatile CMS platform that can host a wide variety of websites The brochure and simple website presentation websites are complete, high quality, and abundant media for various sizes of business.

 In everything WordPress does, our team of experts uses open source experts from the WordPress site platform to accurately design comprehensive interfaces and user experiences supported by the WordPress backend. We work closely with the client to create visually stunning, highly customizable, quick to publish, easy to manage, SEO optimized and safe websites.

There are several reasons WordPress is a great website solution, depending on your business usage scenario. Here are some reasons why you should consider WordPress for your website developmen

Wordpress website design

Some Features & Benefits of WordPress Website

Rich user interface and experience

With a comprehensive and integrated user interface, WordPress allows users to quickly change there theme to change the experience of website.

Fully Responsive

WordPress websites can be designed as fully responsive. They appear different on all platforms like pc, mobile and tablet.

Easy of Use

Easy of Use

WordPress websites are incredibly easy to use and administer. Millions of people use wordpress websites for their business and blogs.

Search Engine Friendly

With SEO being at the forefront of all website needs, we preconfigure all WordPress website solutions for SEO by providing our users with tools to manage on-site and on-page optimization.

Ecommerce Website Development

Ecommerce website creation

The Ecommerce market is estimated to reach $200 billion by 2026. So whatever the business scale may it be, everyone wants to leverage internet and online opportunities for their business by turning it online. Just imagine what if you can order anything and everything that you once bought from the market, how much time you will save. The trend is here to stay. Ecommerce has much better access, and one of the best low-cost intermediaries for reaching new markets is a diverse customer base and specific segments. If successful, e-commerce can generate enormous growth for your company and increase sales and revenue for your company. Developing e-commerce websites for your business allows you to eliminate the hassle and sell products and services to a wider audience through digital platforms. We have successfully implemented online stores for various businesses. Our strength lies in co-creating beautiful designs that benefit from innovative new tools like WooCommerce, which measures the market value of websites.

Ecommerce website creation

Some of the Ecommerce Features are

Product Categories

Product Categories & Multi-Level sub categories​

product search

Advanced Product Search facility

products ratings

Reviews on Products & their ratings

Account creation

User Account creation

account maintenance​

User Account maintenance

Shopping cart status

Rent Agreement

Address book for multiple shipping and billing address


E-mail notifications

Manage Orders

Multilingual support

Multilingual support

currency support

Multi Currency support

Shipping module integration

Shipping module integration

logistic integration

Logistic / courier integration

SMS integration

SMS gateway integration

Payment gateway

Payment gateway integration

Frequently Asked Questions

question mark FAQ

On average, we strive for a six to eight week turnaround time, however each customer determines their own pace for their project. The amount of input you can provide during the early stages, your availability for feedback, and how soon the content is ready all influence how quickly the project is completed. The complexity of the site may also be a factor; more complex projects will take longer to build.

Nope! Clients come from all around the world to work with us. Our entire team works from home, which allows us to hire the best candidates for the job.

Yes! We are pleased when our clients take responsibility of their website and learn to manage it on their own. We’ll provide you with a collection of extensive video lessons to help you get started, as well as a training session to get you started. (Please keep in mind that we like responding to your questions!)

Absolutely! It is now more crucial than ever to have a mobile-friendly website! We put forth a lot of effort to make sure that your website appears excellent on a number of devices.

Most projects have equal payments at the start, midpoint, and end, but we may work with you to develop a payment schedule that meets your needs. We understand that this is a substantial investment, and we want to help you plan for it in any way we can.

All major credit cards, as well as checks and PayPal, are accepted.

That’s usually you. Because you are the expert on your industry, it is usually better if the information comes from you. If you need assistance, we can recommend copywriters who can help you clean up or create unique content for a fee.

Wish To launch your brand 


Team Work Image

 You have the product and we know the process. Together we will unleash its potential to the world through unique brand strategy and design. Let us build a brand that creates meaningful impact. Let us reveal your product to the world with a perfect brand strategy and beautiful design. What are you waiting for? The world needs to see the potential you have.

Team Work Image
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